Australian Franchises

Max International Fitness College

Successful and established Fitness Business College seeks motivated and like minded Franchisees to launch the Max College of Fitness in Sydney, Perth and Adelaide

Franchise Details
Name:Max International Fitness College
Concept:Fitness Business College
Listed by:Max Franchising Australia Pty Limited
Max Franchising Australia Pty LimitedMax Franchising Australia Pty LimitedMax Franchising Australia Pty LimitedMax Franchising Australia Pty LimitedMax Franchising Australia Pty LimitedMax Franchising Australia Pty Limited

 MAX is NOT the franchise for YOU??

Unless YOU are sick of how fat, weak, sick, unenergetic and old the people of the Western world have become so quickly
AND you have considered that perhaps the poor standards of fitness education for people wanting a career, in what should be the profession of fitness, may be making the world even fatter and you would like to be a part of making a positive difference-AND have a profitable, low hassle business!!

MAX is for you if YOU…

  • Are passionate about Business and Fitness
  • Are committed to raising the standards of Fitness Business education in the world
  • Want a proven business with high profit
  • Want a business with the tiniest number of staff members
  • Want a business with proven systems that are improved and documented daily
  • Want a business where the entire back-end, admin, accounting and finances can be done by a team of experts leaving you, or even better, your tiny team, to do the, “Fun”, people parts of the business

SO why does MAX work?

If you want the very best education to become a Doctor or a Lawyer, or if you want the most recognised Business Program in the world, the world thinks of a handful of elite education facilities such as Oxford, Yale, Princeton and Harvard.

But what if you want a long term career in the profession of fitness, with a top end education, with the very highest standards-where do you go??

A profession that can help people to…

  • avoid the Doctor
  • avoid the biggest killer diseases in the world
  • feel energetic
  • be strong
  • be fit
  • stay young (and look young for much longer)
  • be more positive with better self confidence and self esteem
  • lose weight
  • be a better lover, partner, family member and friend

Quite the list for a profession that is rarely taken seriously and is even more rarely recommended for the professional advice that would prevent, help and even cure the list above

AND until MAX, there was not one high standard, private, professional, fitness, Business College in the world

Right, wrong or argued about, the perception of any profession begins with the highest standard of education its professionals must obtain to be qualified in that profession.
The Max International College for Fitness Professionals was founded to, it does, and it will continue to raise the standards of the Fitness Profession though the very highest standards of education available in the world today!!
MAX is uniquely different from ALL fitness and business education options…

  • International Colleges in 2 countries
  • The only education qualification of its kind in the world: The MAX DOUBLE DIPLOMA (Specialised to Fitness Business). Fully recognised by all fitness and business qualification boards in New Zealand, Australia, the UK and most European countries
  • A very tough acceptance process that is stringently applied before a person is accepted into MAX and throughout their MAX education
  • A corporate uniform (suit and tie) for all accepted Students-as all exclusive, private schools include in their high standards. So stringently applied that if you are out of uniform you are transferred to the AT HOME Learning Program
  • A 100% pass mark for all assessments and evaluations-anatomy, physiology, marketing, sales and business planning-all areas of fitness and business. The MAX philosophy is a fitness professional with less than 100% success in their evaluations will be at a much higher risk of being much less successful 
  • A lifetime education of renewing, refreshing and re-sitting the Education a student originally invested in

So why is MAX Profitable?

The fitness profession is becoming a serious business and the business people who are creating great fitness businesses are looking for great team players. The business owners and managers are demanding that highly skilled technicians must have excellent sales, communication and business skills to ensure the success of their fitness business.

To be a superb Fitness Professional…

  • A great phone manner is as important as a safe bench press
  • Knowing how to market yourself and your fitness business is as important as knowing how to motivate a person to start, and stick with, their exercise program
  • Superb sales skills must be applied before an exercise program needs to be written
  • Personal life skills such as time management, superb etiquette, business networking and leadership are just as important as an in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology.
  • You can never wear shorts or track pants and expect Medical professionals, Business people or the Government to believe you have a career YOU take seriously-let alone them take you seriously!
  • You must be on time, highly skilled, open to daily ongoing learning and committed to excellence-A PROFESSIONAL!!

MAX provides the profession with the most well presented, superbly communicating, highly skilled and highly educated fitness professionals and they want to employ MAX students…However, most MAX students have aspirations to own their own businesses and this is even better for the growth of MAX. MAX Business owners want MAX educated Team Players.

SO why did we franchise?

Rowie, Kerry and Steve, The MAX founders, have collectively, 100+ years of business and fitness education experience and success (earned by all the many failures and falls) and MAX is now a proven system for other passionate, committed and driven Fitness Business advocates to take full advantage of. The business model only works with small, Five Star, private, boutique colleges, a tiny team of highly trained professionals (who we will train for you) and a committed driver who has the MAX vision-to Positively Change the Health and Fitness of the World!

If that excites you, scares and challenges you-YOU are ready for MAX!!
Warmest regards from Glowie Rowie xxx
And Savvy Steve
The MAX College Founders


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